Monday, April 28, 2008


This issue’s tips may seem short but I believe they are very useful ones especially most of us are young parents with small kids. We spend too much time on our kids that we some time forget about the people who brought the kids into the world – US!

To enhance your relationship with your life partner:
Just one five minute connection a day can make for a happier marriage. So go ahead and spend five minutes.

Cuddle at the most important time of the day.
Most couples fit their cuddles in at the end of the day, but cuddling in the morning is even more rewarding. The physical contact will keep you feeling close to each other all day, so set the alarm five minutes early, and then snuggle. You can talk, but you don't have to. The most important part is that you're holding each other. It'll help you both start the day feeling loved, and you'll feel that way all day long.

Ask each other one simple question before you head out the door.
What is it? "Anything special going on today?" Talking about the daily details of our lives is just as important to couples as sharing hopes, dreams, and fears with each other. The nitty-gritty details determine a lot of how we act and feel on any given day, so asking about them is a great way to build understanding and rapport. Then, when you're together again at the end of the day, ask how that special something -- that meeting, phone call to an important client, or lunch with a friend went. The results? You'll feel connected.

Share what you like about each other
When a conversation about cars sprang up at a gathering with friends, one woman gave her husband credit for making their old clunker last with his TLC. She later said, "He looked so happy, I realized I should tell him more often how much I appreciate the things he does. I didn't think I had to tell him. I assumed he knew how much I appreciate him." The moral? If there's something you appreciate about your partner, from his parenting skills to the way he painted the garage last month, speak up! If you start, you may enjoy the same treatment from your husband. How does praise work magic? It reminds your partner that you love them, and knowing they're loved makes them more willing to iron out differences.

Do small kindnesses for each other
The good we do for our partner tends to come back to us. When you're thoughtful to your partner, they're inclined to be thoughtful in return. And those acts of kindness make for a loving feeling between two people. So pick up each other's favorite dessert, or clip articles you think your spouse might like. The amount of love those small kindnesses will bring you is without limit.
Use this instant stress buster
One of the most important things we've discovered about happy couples is that they spend five minutes griping to each other about things that stressed them out during the day, taking turns talking. This lowers the amount of stress they feel and lets them enjoy the rest of their evening together.

I hope we all benefit from these tips and practice them everyday. Once they become habitual, you needn’t remind yourself anymore as they will happen naturally. Good luck!

(Adapted from a relationship advice website in 2004)

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