Monday, April 28, 2008


Women Top Health Threats
(Adapted from a health website in 2004)

Do you know what threatens your life most, my womenfolk? Below are the causes of death among women starting from the most common.

1) Heart disease
The good news is that heart disease is one of the most preventable health conditions. You have the power to reduce some of the risks:
· Avoid smoking and limit alcohol
· Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and grain products
· Exercise regularly
· Control other health conditions that may put a strain on your heart, such as blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol

If you are at special risk of heart disease, your doctor may suggest a low daily dose of aspirin.

2) Cancer
The kinds of cancer that kill most women are lung cancer, breast cancer, pelvic cancer and colorectal cancer. At least 1/3 of all cancer deaths are related to nutrition and other controllable lifestyle factors. Do all you can to reduce your risks:
· Don’t smoke or chew tobacco
· Exercise regularly
· Eat a healthy diet
· Avoid excessive sun exposure
· Limit alcohol
· Have regular preventive health screenings
· Know your family medical history

3) Stroke
Smoking and uncontrolled high blood pressure are important risk factors for stroke. Although stroke is highly preventable, certain risk factors such as family history, age, sex and race cannot be controlled. Even if you’re at increased risk of stroke, you can still take steps to prevent it:
· Don’t smoke
· Control your blood pressure
· Lower your cholesterol
· Limit your saturated fats intake
· Exercise regularly

4) Diabetes
A group of diseases that affect the way your body uses blood sugar (glucose). Advanced diabetes can cause blindness, kidney disease and severe nerve damage. People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to have heart disease and suffer from stroke.

The most common diabetes is type 2 and usually develops after the age of 40. But this can be prevented by following these steps:
· Maintain a healthy weight
· Eat a healthy diet
· Exercise regularly
· Get your fasting blood sugar level tested regularly

So, ladies, lets take good care of ourselves for the sake of a better life.

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